openstack swift https
Bydefault,HTTPSisnotenabledinswift.HTTPSisrequiredtoencryptallcommunicationbetweenswiftandIronicconductorandswiftandbare ...,YouusetheHTTPS(SSL)protocoltointeractwithObjectStorage,andyouusestandardHTTPcallstoperformAPIoperations.Youcanalsouse ......
指定OpenStackSwift伺服器埠號。如果使用標準埠,這是選用項目。ContentManagerOnDemand假設埠80用於HTTP通訊,或者埠443用於HTTPS通訊 ...
** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **
Enabling HTTPS
By default, HTTPS is not enabled in swift. HTTPS is required to encrypt all communication between swift and Ironic conductor and swift and bare ...
OpenStack Swift is a distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers.
啟用OpenStack Swift 的雲端連線
啟用OpenStack Swift 的雲端連線 ; 在管理GUI 中,選取設定 > 系統 > 透通雲端分層 ; 按一下啟用雲端連線 ; 在歡迎使用 ; 如果系統上未配置DNS 伺服器,請輸入伺服器的IP 位址和 ...